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COVER STORY - PORTS & SHIPPING: Asset Monetisation, a Challenge With the entry of more private players, asset monetisation is expected to introduce more vitality to port operations. However, a section of industry experts harbour concerns regarding the existing port infrastructure.
INTERACTION: Efficiencys the Port of call Jagannarayan Padmanabhan Practice Leader & Director Transport & Logistics, CRISIL Infrastructure Advisory Hinterland Connectivity a Major Logistics Issue Kumar Ankit,Treasurer Indian Private Ports & Terminals Association (IPTA)
INTERACTION - ROADS & HIGHWAYS: 40 km/day road capacity target is achievable! In an interaction with INFRASTRUCTURE TODAY, Devendra Kumar Sharma, Business Unit Head, Roads, Bridges & Ports, TataProjects Ltd, highlights the things that would help achieve the governments ambitious road capacity addition target.
FEATURE - UNION BUDGET 2020-21: Infrastructure to Power Indias $5 Trillion March On New Years Eve, the Central Government unveiled the Rs 102-trillion National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) to boost annual investment in the sector. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman expects the move to create jobs, improve ease of living, and provide equitable access to infrastructure for all.
INTERACTION: Revive PPPs on a war footing! Vinayak Chatterjee, Co-Founder & Chairman, Feedback Infra.
FEATURE - STEEL: Is a Recovery on the Cards? The year 2020 has begun on a high note for the steel industry as green shoots of a revival become increasingly visible. With an increased infrastructure spend from the government and automobile industry gaining momentum, the steel industry is likely to regain traction.
POWER TODAY - COVER STORY: CROSS-WIRING TO ILLUMINATE SOUTH ASIA REGION The formation of a robust cross-border framework in the South Asia region is expected to bring down the cost of electricity and allow India to achieve the flexibility to regulate the intermittency of power generated by its wind and solar farms.
Since 2003, our monthly magazine INFRASTRUCTURE TODAY (IT) has grown to a stature of leadership, and it is the most read magazine in India on the infrastructure sectors. IT partners in the nations building process by offering valuable information, insights and analyses. Our current reader profile includes policymakers and public office bearers, town planners, investors, contractors, developers, consultants, utility providers, engineers, banks and financial institutions, educators and researchers, and decision makers in other organisations that provide products or services to the infrastructure sectors. The magazine covers physical infrastructure and related construction activities in Power, Oil & Gas, Roads, Railways, Ports, Airports, Water, Telecom and Urban Infrastructure. Each issue provides usable value for the reader: from business environment and financing options to models of contracts and industrial land creation. You will always find in IT top people and organisations sectors, through independent contributions, incisive interviews. The top institutional analysts contribute to IT as well. The magazine is present in high-power seminars and conferences, is referred to by business leaders, and displayed on many a corporate boardroom coffee table.